About Us (020)

Glassartswansea – what is it ?

A cooperative of glass artists who studied at SIHE or are based in the Swansea area

All you need to do is register with www.wordpress.com and you can leave a message at the bottom of any of the relevant pages and people can read the message and reply to it too ! all messages need to be ‘published’ so it means that we have to ‘click a box’ on here somewhere for it to become ‘live’, so please be patient if you do not see your message immediately !!

You can even email glassartswansea@yahoo.co.uk !!!

If any one wants to leave comments it is best to leave a comment in relation to a specific topic on the respective page rather than leaving comments here, maybe we should open a general page for leaving comments !!

It so easy to drift out of glass when the studying is finished so a few of us have decided to pull together and set up a very loose connection/network so that we can stay in touch without sending a load of emails that may never actually see the light of day, so Glassartswansea is simply a collection of students who studied at SIHE Welsh School of Architectural Glass and thought it a good idea to keep in touch, share information and maybe collaborate in some manner, a way of posting photos of something we found interesting, of letting people know of exhibitions that may be in the area, or just gossiping about glass.

This is not a membership and does not provide a service, no one is obliged to participate and likewise no one has an obligation to any one else, but if some one needs some help in completing a commission, or would like to group together with some like minded glass artists to arrange an exhibition, or just share a car to London or somewhere to see an exhibition, then may be this is the place to get in touch.

All you need to do is register with www.wordpress.com and you can leave a message at the bottom of any of the relevant pages and people can read the message and reply to it too ! all messages need to be ‘published’ so it means that we have to ‘click a box’ on here somewhere for it to become ‘live’, so please be patient if you do not see your message immediately !!

Any way that is about it, and lets just see how this all evolves


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